Manager of Research Development
Assists with and facilitates the funding proposal preparation and submission process. Advises and assists departments with process and compliance issues related to funding agency regulations and standards, and oversees adherence to New Mexico Tech administrative, fiscal, and accounting policies and procedures related to external award proposals. Provides assistance to the Institution in the areas of project planning and development, and strategic award management.
Develops and prepares documents, to include award applications, planning grants, technical reports, project and status reports, and budget forecasts; assists principal investigator in reviewing and editing proposals and communication materials. Develops budgets and business plans for proposals and project efforts; reviews potential research projects and initiatives and develops appropriate funding strategies. Develops, prepares, analyzes and reviews award budgets for compliance with policies, funding agency requirements, and appropriate accounting protocol and procedures. Provides advice and guidance to researchers and administrators on the application of award funding policies, regulations, and procedures; serves as liaison between the university and funding agencies on various issues pertaining to proposals. Conducts trainings for faculty and researchers. Provides technical assistance, guidance and counsel during the electronic submissions of proposals; authorized University representative for electronic submission of approved proposals. Provides services in the identification, solicitation, and cultivation of major funding agencies, to include State and Federal agencies, national laboratories, corporations, and foundations. Initiates, guides and facilitates the research of funding opportunities for the university; maintains data on funding sources and a library of agency policies, procedures, and documentation. Advises and assists researchers and administrators in external award budgeting, and/or cost sharing requirements, and in the use of associated data management and reporting systems and processes. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with principal investigators and other unit-based project teams, as identified. Uses specialized databases and systems to record and track proposals, awards, and related statistical information; creates and distributes standard and special reports, studies, summaries, and analyses, as required. Maintains currency of knowledge of external funding policies, regulations, and procedures; disseminates and/or presents changes to departments and advises on the implementation and the impact of changes on funded operations.
Master’s degree. Knowledge of federal, state and/or community funding sources and mechanisms. Knowledge of award funding policies and procedures and applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Verbal and written communication skills and the ability to present effectively to small and large groups. Knowledge and understanding of effective award funding processes, procedures, and techniques. Strong interpersonal and professional leadership skills and the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment. Ability to lead projects. Knowledge of financial accounting, budgeting, control, and reporting principles, methods, techniques, and standards as applied within an academic environment. Skill in the use of personal computers and related software applications. Skill in organizing resources and establishing priorities and meeting deadlines. Proficiency in MS Work, Excel, and Access. Experience with electronic research administration and electronic proposal submissions.
PhD. Technical writing and editorial skills. Research, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Technical leadership skills within area of expertise. Strong strategic and operational business planning skills. Knowledge and understanding of the principles and requirements of strategic research development within a public institution. Experience with Banner. Certified Research Administrator.
To apply, please submit: cover letter, CV and names of three references.